Discovery Library Crew

Discovery Library Crew General Information


Are you a student in 4th or 5th grade? Do you love the library, books, projects and helping? Then, LIBRARY CREW may be for you! LIBRARY CREW members are leaders who assist in the library with shelving books, tidying the space, organizing, helping with projects, bulletin boards, sharpening pencils, stocking bookmarks and last but not least help as a greeter during our book fairs which are held twice each school year.

Library Crew Eligibility

To become a Library Crew Member, students must turn in the following items: * Library Crew Application (Please complete this google form) * Signed approval from a parent/guardian (Please print and hand-sign) * Signed permission & recommendation from your teacher (please complete this google form)
* Not all applicants may be chosen. The choice will be made based on the student's application and the teacher recommendation, as well as how much room there is on the crew roster.
Library Crew Training There will be training provided the first two weeks of your library crew shift.
Library Crew Procedures * Crew members will help out in the library before school during "Open Library" on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays from 8:15am - 8:45am. *Crew members are expected to work in the library at least once a week. * Crew members may immediately start working on whatever task seems to be the most necessary. * Crew members may only work on those tasks in which they have been trained. * If a crew member is unsure of what work needs to be done, he or she should ask Mrs. Peña. * Crew members are expected to be on their best behavior while they are working in the library.
This includes: 1) Working quietly 2) Working diligently 3) Staying on task 4) Being kind and helpful to other students * If another student asks a crew member for help finding a book, the crew member is expected to help the student as best as the crew member can.
A student's membership can be revoked should they fail to follow the rules established. A student's membership can also be revoked should they be involved in any inappropriate behavior at school in which they receive one behavior form. Students pledge to follow all rules and to display respect and set an example for other students and library visitors.

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