Electronic Devices

All electronic devices, including smart watches, must be turned off during the school day unless specific permission is granted by a teacher or administration. Students may not record, video, or take a picture of another student or staff without prior written consent. All electronic devices may only be used for educational purposes under the direct supervision of a teacher or administration. Electronic devices may not be used before and after school. Students may not use their personal devices, including smart watches, to call or message during the day. All students who need to call home must use school phones with permission from the teacher or staff during school hours. Consequences for not following the school policy: Items may be retained in the office for pickup at the end of the student’s school day. At teacher or administrator request, a parent/guardian may be required to pick up the student’s electronic device. The school will not be responsible for loss or theft of electronic devices. Please read the district’s electronic responsible use policy on our school’s website for further information.

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