Behavior Policy

Our goal at Discovery Elementary School is to provide a safe and orderly environment in which our students can learn and develop responsible behavior. We have developed School-Wide Behavior Expectations and School Rules which the students support. We would like to share it with you.

We know you as parents want to help your child develop into a worthy and productive citizen. When our students know that those at home and school are supporting the same responsible behavior, they tend to learn faster.

The purpose of our plan is to reward positive responsible behavior and to help students change irresponsible behavior. We believe that:

  • Students at Discovery have the right to learn
  • Teachers at Discovery have the right to teach

Parents/volunteers are not permitted to discipline other students, all behavior concerns should be communicated to the classroom teacher or administration.

Positive Reinforcements for Appropriate Behavior

  1. Verbal/Written Compliments
  2. Dojo Points
  3. Classroom Incentives
  4. Monthly student awards

Consequences for Unexpected Behaviors

  1. Warning
  2. Time-Out
  3. Blue Behavior Form (with consequence)
  4. Conference
  5. Office Referral (with consequence)
  6. Restriction from School Activity
  7. In-School or Home Suspension
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