School Rules

Food on Campus

The San Marcos Unified School District recognizes the link between student health and learning, and has developed a Wellness Policy for the District that promotes student health through nutrition education, nutrition guidelines and physical education and activity.

Students may eat a snack at the beginning of their morning recess and we encourage some type of healthy food, rather than what we refer to as “extra” foods, such as chips and cookies. Please do not send glass containers with your child. Please do not send any type of cutting utensil with your child. Our cafeteria can help if they need assistance.

In accordance with this policy, we do not celebrate birthdays in classrooms with candy, cakes, cupcakes, sodas, etc. Please do not bring any food to school without prior permission from the classroom teacher. Food and drinks are allowed at other celebration events, however they must follow the SMUSD Food and Beverage Guidelines. Always check with the classroom teacher prior to bringing any type of food item into the classroom. More information regarding the Wellness policy can be found on the SMUSD Nutrition Services page or by calling 760-752-1269.

Discovery Campus Rules

  • Follow the Discovery Behavior Expectations centered around respect.
  • Follow directions from all adults on campus the first time.
  • Keep hands, feet, body, and objects to yourself.
  • Use school grounds, playground equipment, and play structure properly.
  • Walk quietly through the hallways.
  • Please stay off fences, trees, and planter areas.
  • Profanity or vulgar language is prohibited.

Playground Rules

  • No running unless on the field or playing a designated game.
  • No tag or chase games.
  • No fighting, play-fighting, or wrestling.
  • No rough, overly aggressive, or dangerous games/activities.
  • Stay in designated areas for organized games (football, soccer, kickball, etc.)
  • No throwing or kicking rocks, dirt, sticks, sand, etc.

Lunch Rules

  • Keep all food and drinks in the lunch table area.
  • There is no sharing of food at the lunch tables.
  • No gum, candy, sweets, sodas, Takis, or Hot Cheetos on campus. (See Wellness Policy)
  • Clean up and place all trash and recycling in the proper bins.
  • No running or playing at the lunch tables.
  • No shouting or screaming at the lunch tables.
  • Stay seated at the lunch tables until dismissed by a bell, whistle, or supervisor.
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