Discovery has a revised home learning expectations for students after school hours. Discovery made the decision to redefine the homework policy in 2016. This decision was made through the analysis of studies and literature focused on the effects of traditional homework as well as consultation with our School Instructional Leadership Team.
Research has demonstrated that there is almost no correlation between the amount of homework assignments students receive and students' academic success in the elementary grades. Our revised approach to homework celebrates the joy of childhood. In addition, this approach focuses on what has been proven to positively impact children's academic, emotional, and social development, including: time for physical play/activity, time with family, and limitation of screen time.
Per San Marcos Unified School District Board Policy (6154) homework should be clear and purposeful, focused on quality rather than quantity, and consist of learning activities related to school goals and instructional objectives. The Homework Schedules in the Board Policy are as follows:
Grades 1 - 3
10 - 20 minutes
3 - 4 days a week
Grades 4 - 5
30 - 45 minutes
4 days a week
At Discovery Elementary, the only daily, ongoing responsibility given to the students outside school hours is to read. We expect students to read daily, either independently or with a family member. Daily reading will improve students' overall academics as reading is an integral part of all subject areas.
In addition to the nightly reading requirement at Discovery, students may be asked to complete grade-level sight words, writing journals, math facts, typing skills, or classroom projects. Students receiving additional instructional support may receive individualized learning activities for home, for example Reading Intervention homework. Lastly, 5th grade students will transition from this policy mid-year to prepare them for the expectations of middle school.