
Online Registration

2022 - 2023 ENROLLMENT

SMUSD Enrollment for the 2022 - 2023 school year has opened! All students that will be re-enrolling or will be new to Discovery for the 2022 - 2023 school year may complete the enrollment process at this time. We encourage you to register your child as soon as possible to help us determine our facility needs for the 2022 - 2023 school year. 

All new student enrollments will be processed through ParentVUE, a secure, online portal where you will electronically submit all required documents and complete all enrollment forms digitally using a WIFI-enabled computer, tablet, or smartphone. Once your student's enrollment is complete, stay connected by using ParentVUE to check grades, attendance, assignments, contact your child’s teacher, and more!


Step 1 - Ensure you have a valid email address

You will need a valid email address in order to create a ParentVUE account. If you do not have an email address, please create a free email account with your preferred service provider. 

Step 2 - Gather all required documents
Proof of Address (click here to find your school of residence)

Please submit one document from each category below:

Category One (must be dated within the last 60 days and include address of residency and parent/guardian name):

- Mortgage Statement or payment receipts   - Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts - Property tax payment receipt - Grant Deed - Escrow Papers

Category Two (must be dated within the last 60 days):

- Utility service contract, statements, or payment receipts

- Pay stubs

- Voter registration

- Correspondence from a government agency

- Declaration of residency (Affidavit of Residence) executed by the student’s parent/guardian

2. Student's Birth Verification
To verify your child’s age, please provide one of the following (Ed Code  48002):  - Certified copy of birth record - Statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth - Baptismal certificate - Passport - When none of the foregoing is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor,or any other appropriate means of proving the child’s age.
Parent/guardian(s) name and contact information

4. Emergency contacts and phone number(s)
Health information including the name of your healthcare provider, dentist, health conditions and/or medication (if applicable)

- Physical Health Examination (TK/Kinder ONLY)- Please download and have your medical provider complete the Physical Health Examination Form.
Dental Health Examination (TK/Kinder ONLY)- California law requires that a student must provide proof of having received an oral health assessment by May 31st in either Kindergarten or 1st grade, whichever is your child’s first year in public school. Please download and have your dental provider complete the Dental Health Examination Form.

Proof of Immunizations 

California schools are required to verify immunization records for all new student admissions, including students entering TK/Kindergarten.

7. Previous school's address and phone number
Custodial documentation (if applicable)


Step 3 - Login to ParentVUE

When you login to ParentVUE, you will have the option to enroll a student for the 2020-2021 or 2021-2022 school year.

New Parent to the district? Click here to create a new ParentVUE account. Current SMUSD Parents may login using their existing ParentVUE credentials.
Forgot Password? 
Click here to reset your password!

Important Notes:

If your student is currently enrolled in a SMUSD school and your student will be matriculating to a new school within SMUSD, there is no need to enroll as a new student; your student will automatically matriculate to their school of residence.

Transitional Kindergarten is only available for students who turn 5 years old between September 2nd to February 2nd. Kindergarten is available for students who turn 5 years old on or before September 1st.

If you need any assistance during the enrollment process, please reach out to the Discovery Elementary Attendance Clerk, Susan Velarde. Discovery is open and prepared to assist you throughout this process. 

We look forward to seeing your student and family in the 2022 - 2023 school year!

If you have any questions or need further assistance 
please email [email protected] 
or call the Discovery Front Office at 760.290.2077.

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